Planet Events from 2022 until 2030

Output of from 2022 until 2030:

$ help Version V4.2 hvf 2024-07-18 based on Meeus

Usage: Planet [Planet ...] year [year ...] [flags]
Usage: Planet [Planet ...] year-year ... [flags]
Planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Earth is included for perihel and aphel

Usage: /home/hvf/bin/ all year [year ...] [--onlyPA]
Usage: /home/hvf/bin/ all year-year ... [--onlyPA]
       produces output for all seven planets
       year must be not less than -4713 (start of Julian Day counting)

Usage: /home/hvf/bin/ verify
       runs Meeus's benchmark cases

Planet Events are:
       Superior Conjunction, planet passes behind the Sun
                the angle between Sun and planet has a minimum
       Inferior Conjunction, planet passes between Sun and Earth
                this is only possible for Mercury and Venus
       Opposition, planet is opposite to Sun
                this applies to the outer planets
       Retrograde begin and end, if --showretro specified
       Eastern Elongation (Venus, Mercury): maximum angle between
                Sun and planet, planet visible in the evening
       Western Elongation (Venus, Mercury): maximum angle between
                Sun and planet, planet visible in the morning
       Perihel (minimal distance to the Sun, in au)
       Aphel   (maximal distance to the Sun, in au)
 Flags include:
 --verbose  produces verbose output for debugging
 --onlyPA   produces only Perihel and Aphel data
 --showRetro shows begin and end of retrograde planet movements

$ verify Version V4.2 hvf 2024-07-18 based on Meeus

Verification for each Planet
All times are TT

Meeus chapter 35 ex.36a: Mercury Inferior Conjunction nearest to 1993-10-01
Expecting    1993-11-06 03h
Calculated   1993-11-06 03h

Meeus chapter 35 ex.36c: Mercury greatest western elongation in November 1993
Expecting    1993-11-22 15h     19.75
Calculated   1993-11-22 15h     19.75

Mercury first observed transit over the solar disk by Gassendi in Paris
Expecting    1631-11-07 07h
Calculated   1631-11-07 07h

Venus Inferior Conjunction 1874-12-09 04h
Expecting    1874-12-09 04h
Calculated   1874-12-09 04h

Venus Inferior Conjunction 1882-12-06 17h
Last transit of Venus before that of A.D. 2004
Expecting    1882-12-06 17h
Calculated   1882-12-06 17h

Venus Inferior Conjunction 2004-06-08 08h
Last transit of Venus for Europeans
Expecting    2004-06-08 08h
Calculated   2004-06-08 09h

Venus Inferior Conjunction 2012-06-06 02h
Last transit of Venus in our lifetime
Expecting    2012-06-06 02h
Calculated   2012-06-06 01h

Mars Opposition 2729-09-09 3h
A perihelic oppostion of Mars
Expecting    2729-09-09 03h
Calculated   2729-09-09 03h

Jupiter Opposition -0006-09-15 7h
Expecting   -0006-09-15 07h
Calculated  -0006-09-15 07h

Saturn Opposition -0006-09-14 9h
Expecting   -0006-09-14 09h
Calculated  -0006-09-14 09h

Saturn Conjunction 2125-08-26 10h
Meeus chapter 35 ex.36b: Saturn conjunction in 2125
Expecting    2125-08-26 10h
Calculated   2125-08-26 10h

Uranus Opposition 1780-12-17 14h
Three months before Uranus' discovery by William Herschel
Expecting    1780-12-17 14h
Calculated   1780-12-17 14h

Neptune Opposition 1846-08-20 4h
One month before Neptune's discovery
Expecting    1846-08-20 04h
Calculated   1846-08-20 04h

Perihelion and Aphelion Tests, Meeus chapter 37

Venus Perihelion nearest to 1978 October 15
Expecting       1978-12-31 05h
Calculated      1978-12-31 04h
Simple theory   1978-12-31 05h

Mars Aphelion in 2032
Expecting       2032-10-24 23h
Calculated      2032-10-24 23h
Simple theory   2032-10-24 23h

Jupiter Aphelion in 1981
Expecting       1981-07-28
Calculated      1981-07-28 06h
Simple theory   1981-07-19 05h

Saturn Perihelion in 1944
Expecting       1944-09-08
Calculated      1944-09-08 03h
Simple theory   1944-07-30 04h

Saturn Perihelions and Aphelions from 1929 until 2047
Expect A  1929-11-11      10.0468
Calc   A  1929-11-11 21h  10.0467
Simple    1929-11-04 02h
Expect P  1944-09-08      9.0288
Calc   P  1944-09-08 03h  9.0288
Simple    1944-07-30 04h
Expect A  1959-05-29      10.0664
Calc   A  1959-05-29 22h  10.0664
Simple    1959-04-25 07h
Expect P  1974-01-08      9.0153
Calc   P  1974-01-08 07h  9.0153
Simple    1974-01-18 09h
Expect A  1988-09-11      10.0444
Calc   A  1988-09-11 12h  10.0444
Simple    1988-10-13 12h
Expect P  2003-07-26      9.0309
Calc   P  2003-07-26 15h  9.0309
Simple    2003-07-09 15h
Expect A  2018-04-17      10.0656
Calc   A  2018-04-17 11h  10.0656
Simple    2018-04-03 17h
Expect P  2032-11-28      9.0149
Calc   P  2032-11-28 16h  9.0149
Simple    2032-12-27 20h
Expect A  2047-07-15      10.0462
Calc   A  2047-07-15 08h  10.0462
Simple    2047-09-22 23h

Uranus Perihelions and Aphelions from 1756 until 2092
Expected and calculated results may differ.
Expect A  1756-11-27      20.0893
Calc   A  1756-11-28 09h  20.0893
Simple    1756-12-21 21h
Expect P  1798-03-03      18.2890
Calc   P  1798-03-04 07h  18.2890
Simple    1798-12-29 08h
Expect A  1841-03-16      20.0976
Calc   A  1841-03-15 13h  20.0976
Simple    1841-01-05 19h
Expect P  1882-03-23      18.2807
Calc   P  1882-03-25 19h  18.2807
Simple    1883-01-13 05h
Expect A  1925-04-01      20.0973
Calc   A  1925-03-31 20h  20.0973
Simple    1925-01-20 16h
Expect P  1966-05-21      18.2848
Calc   P  1966-05-21 04h  18.2848
Simple    1967-01-28 03h
Expect A  2009-02-27      20.0989
Calc   A  2009-02-27 01h  20.0989
Simple    2009-02-03 13h
Expect P  2050-08-17      18.2830
Calc   P  2050-08-16 01h  18.2830
Simple    2051-02-11 00h
Expect A  2092-11-23      20.0994
Calc   A  2092-11-23 20h  20.0994
Simple    2093-02-17 10h

Venus Transitions from 1000 to 3000
Expecting    1032-05-24 19:03:00
Calculated   1032-05-24 20h
Expecting    1040-05-22 12:23:00
Calculated   1040-05-22 12h
Expecting    1153-11-23 20:38:00
Calculated   1153-11-23 20h
Expecting    1275-05-25 22:37:00
Calculated   1275-05-25 23h
Expecting    1283-05-23 15:44:00
Calculated   1283-05-23 16h
Expecting    1396-11-23 19:25:00
Calculated   1396-11-23 19h
Expecting    1518-05-26 01:56:00
Calculated   1518-05-26 02h
Expecting    1526-05-23 19:11:00
Calculated   1526-05-23 19h
Expecting    1631-12-07 05:19:00
Calculated   1631-12-07 06h
Expecting    1639-12-04 18:25:00
Calculated   1639-12-04 18h
Expecting    1761-06-06 05:19:00
Calculated   1761-06-06 06h
Expecting    1769-06-03 22:25:00
Calculated   1769-06-03 22h
Expecting    1874-12-09 04:07:00
Calculated   1874-12-09 04h
Expecting    1882-12-06 17:06:00
Calculated   1882-12-06 17h
Expecting    2004-06-08 08:20:00
Calculated   2004-06-08 09h
Expecting    2012-06-06 01:30:00
Calculated   2012-06-06 01h
Expecting    2117-12-11 02:52:00
Calculated   2117-12-11 03h
Expecting    2125-12-08 16:06:00
Calculated   2125-12-08 15h
Expecting    2247-06-11 11:42:00
Calculated   2247-06-11 12h
Expecting    2255-06-09 04:48:00
Calculated   2255-06-09 04h
Expecting    2360-12-13 01:59:00
Calculated   2360-12-13 02h
Expecting    2368-12-10 15:00:00
Calculated   2368-12-10 14h
Expecting    2490-06-12 14:40:00
Calculated   2490-06-12 15h
Expecting    2498-06-10 07:49:00
Calculated   2498-06-10 08h
Expecting    2603-12-16 00:44:00
Calculated   2603-12-16 01h
Expecting    2611-12-13 14:06:00
Calculated   2611-12-13 13h
Expecting    2733-06-15 17:18:00
Calculated   2733-06-15 18h
Expecting    2741-06-13 10:17:00
Calculated   2741-06-13 11h
Expecting    2846-12-16 23:11:00
Calculated   2846-12-16 24h
Expecting    2854-12-14 12:19:00
Calculated   2854-12-14 12h
Expecting    2976-06-16 19:44:00
Calculated   2976-06-16 21h
Expecting    2984-06-14 12:49:00
Calculated   2984-06-14 14h

Mercury Transits from 2032 to 2098
Expecting    2032-11-13 08:54:11
Calculated   2032-11-13 09h
Expecting    2039-11-07 09:46:51
Calculated   2039-11-07 08h
Expecting    2049-05-07 14:24:28
Calculated   2049-05-07 14h
Expecting    2052-11-09 02:30:15
Calculated   2052-11-09 02h
Expecting    2062-05-10 21:37:34
Calculated   2062-05-10 22h
Expecting    2065-11-11 20:07:01
Calculated   2065-11-11 20h
Expecting    2078-11-14 13:42:11
Calculated   2078-11-14 14h
Expecting    2085-11-07 13:35:55
Calculated   2085-11-07 13h
Expecting    2095-05-08 21:07:09
Calculated   2095-05-08 21h
Expecting    2098-11-10 07:18:20
Calculated   2098-11-10 07h

$ Venus  2022-2030 --showRetro
NOTE: here we show Begin and End of the Retrograde Periods of Venus Version V4.2 hvf 2024-07-18 based on Meeus

  Planet Events
  All times are TT
  Date       Time Planet   Event                 Elongation (deg)
                                                 Longitude  (deg)
                                                 Radius (au)

  2022-01-09 01h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 288.72 deg
  2022-01-23 06h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718443 au
  2022-01-29 09h  Venus    Retrograde End        Lon  = 281.08 deg
  2022-03-20 10h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.58 deg
  2022-05-15 11h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728216 au
  2022-09-04 20h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718445 au
  2022-10-22 21h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 209.44 deg
  2022-12-26 03h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728221 au

  2023-04-17 14h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718441 au
  2023-06-04 11h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  45.39 deg
  2023-07-23 02h  Venus    Retrograde Begin      Lon  = 148.61 deg
  2023-08-08 00h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728225 au
  2023-08-13 11h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 140.47 deg
  2023-09-04 01h  Venus    Retrograde End        Lon  = 132.21 deg
  2023-10-23 22h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.41 deg
  2023-11-28 13h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718448 au

  2024-03-19 22h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728210 au
  2024-06-04 15h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  74.49 deg
  2024-07-10 05h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718459 au
  2024-10-30 14h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728202 au

  2025-01-10 04h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  47.17 deg
  2025-02-19 20h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718454 au
  2025-03-02 01h  Venus    Retrograde Begin      Lon  =  10.84 deg
  2025-03-23 01h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =   2.64 deg
  2025-04-13 01h  Venus    Retrograde End        Lon  = 354.62 deg
  2025-06-01 02h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  45.88 deg
  2025-06-12 02h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728233 au
  2025-10-02 09h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718423 au

  2026-01-06 16h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 286.35 deg
  2026-01-22 19h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728240 au
  2026-05-15 03h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718420 au
  2026-08-15 06h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  45.89 deg
  2026-09-04 12h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728232 au
  2026-10-03 07h  Venus    Retrograde Begin      Lon  = 218.49 deg
  2026-10-24 03h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 210.75 deg
  2026-11-14 00h  Venus    Retrograde End        Lon  = 202.86 deg
  2026-12-25 21h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718459 au

  2027-01-03 19h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.95 deg
  2027-04-17 05h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728189 au
  2027-08-07 14h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718468 au
  2027-08-11 24h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 139.10 deg
  2027-11-27 21h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728191 au

  2028-03-19 07h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718459 au
  2028-03-22 13h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  46.12 deg
  2028-05-10 23h  Venus    Retrograde Begin      Lon  =  79.68 deg
  2028-06-01 10h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  71.43 deg
  2028-06-22 22h  Venus    Retrograde End        Lon  =  63.18 deg
  2028-07-09 16h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728226 au
  2028-08-10 17h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  45.78 deg
  2028-10-30 02h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718428 au

  2029-02-19 10h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728234 au
  2029-03-23 20h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   3.46 deg
  2029-06-11 19h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718431 au
  2029-10-02 03h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728227 au
  2029-10-27 12h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  47.01 deg
  2029-12-16 24h  Venus    Retrograde Begin      Lon  = 294.02 deg

  2030-01-06 13h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 286.26 deg
  2030-01-22 07h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718455 au
  2030-01-26 22h  Venus    Retrograde End        Lon  = 278.62 deg
  2030-03-17 23h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.61 deg
  2030-05-14 13h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728211 au
  2030-09-03 20h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718451 au
  2030-10-20 11h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 207.10 deg
  2030-12-25 06h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728218 au

$ all  2022-2030 Version V4.2 hvf 2024-07-18 based on Meeus
NOTE: Retrograde Begin and End are not shown

  Planet Events
  All times are TT
  Date       Time Planet   Event                 Elongation (deg)
                                                 Longitude  (deg)
                                                 Radius (au)

  2022-01-04 07h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983337 au
  2022-01-07 11h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  19.22 deg
  2022-01-09 01h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 288.72 deg
  2022-01-15 23h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307502 au
  2022-01-23 06h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718443 au
  2022-01-23 10h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 303.38 deg
  2022-02-04 19h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 315.95 deg
  2022-02-16 21h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  26.28 deg
  2022-02-28 23h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466696 au
  2022-03-05 13h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 344.97 deg
  2022-03-13 11h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 352.88 deg
  2022-03-20 10h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.58 deg
  2022-04-02 23h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  13.20 deg
  2022-04-13 22h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307502 au
  2022-04-29 08h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  20.61 deg
  2022-05-05 09h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  44.81 deg
  2022-05-15 11h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728216 au
  2022-05-21 19h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  60.72 deg
  2022-05-27 22h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466696 au
  2022-06-16 15h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  23.20 deg
  2022-06-21 13h  Mars     Perihel               Rmin = 1.381304 au
  2022-07-04 07h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016715 au
  2022-07-10 22h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307502 au
  2022-07-16 20h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 114.26 deg
  2022-08-14 17h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  = 321.90 deg
  2022-08-23 21h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466696 au
  2022-08-27 16h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  27.32 deg
  2022-09-04 20h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718445 au
  2022-09-16 21h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  = 354.03 deg
  2022-09-23 07h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 180.24 deg
  2022-09-26 18h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  =   3.70 deg
  2022-10-06 21h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307503 au
  2022-10-08 21h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  17.98 deg
  2022-10-22 21h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 209.44 deg
  2022-11-08 16h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 226.25 deg
  2022-11-09 09h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  46.91 deg
  2022-11-19 21h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466698 au
  2022-12-08 04h  Mars     Opposition            Lon  =  76.12 deg
  2022-12-21 15h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  20.14 deg
  2022-12-26 03h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728221 au

  2023-01-02 20h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307501 au
  2023-01-04 16h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983296 au
  2023-01-07 13h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 286.95 deg
  2023-01-20 12h  Jupiter  Perihel               Rmin = 4.951011 au
  2023-01-30 06h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  24.96 deg
  2023-02-15 20h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466697 au
  2023-02-16 16h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 327.75 deg
  2023-03-15 23h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 355.12 deg
  2023-03-17 11h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 356.58 deg
  2023-03-31 20h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307499 au
  2023-04-11 21h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  21.75 deg
  2023-04-11 22h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  19.49 deg
  2023-04-17 14h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718441 au
  2023-05-01 23h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  41.33 deg
  2023-05-09 21h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  48.95 deg
  2023-05-14 19h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466698 au
  2023-05-29 05h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  24.89 deg
  2023-05-30 21h  Mars     Aphel                 Rmax = 1.665940 au
  2023-06-04 11h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  45.39 deg
  2023-06-27 19h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307497 au
  2023-07-01 05h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  99.14 deg
  2023-07-06 20h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016681 au
  2023-08-08 00h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728225 au
  2023-08-10 02h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  27.40 deg
  2023-08-10 18h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466699 au
  2023-08-13 11h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 140.47 deg
  2023-08-27 08h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  = 333.83 deg
  2023-09-06 11h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 163.62 deg
  2023-09-19 10h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  = 356.27 deg
  2023-09-22 13h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  17.86 deg
  2023-09-23 18h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307500 au
  2023-10-20 05h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 206.56 deg
  2023-10-23 22h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.41 deg
  2023-11-03 04h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  =  40.51 deg
  2023-11-06 18h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466699 au
  2023-11-13 18h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  51.06 deg
  2023-11-18 05h  Mars     Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 235.60 deg
  2023-11-28 13h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718448 au
  2023-12-04 14h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  21.27 deg
  2023-12-20 17h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307499 au
  2023-12-22 19h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 270.66 deg

  2024-01-03 01h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983307 au
  2024-01-12 14h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  23.50 deg
  2024-02-02 17h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466702 au
  2024-02-28 08h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 339.23 deg
  2024-02-28 21h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 339.78 deg
  2024-03-17 11h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 357.37 deg
  2024-03-17 17h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307494 au
  2024-03-19 22h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728210 au
  2024-03-24 22h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  18.70 deg
  2024-04-11 23h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  22.54 deg
  2024-04-30 16h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2024-05-08 11h  Mars     Perihel               Rmin = 1.381504 au
  2024-05-09 21h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  26.37 deg
  2024-05-13 11h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  53.12 deg
  2024-05-18 18h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  58.31 deg
  2024-06-04 15h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  74.49 deg
  2024-06-13 16h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307491 au
  2024-06-14 16h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  84.10 deg
  2024-07-05 05h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016725 au
  2024-07-10 05h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718459 au
  2024-07-22 07h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  26.93 deg
  2024-07-27 15h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2024-08-19 02h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 146.60 deg
  2024-09-05 02h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  18.05 deg
  2024-09-08 04h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  = 346.03 deg
  2024-09-09 15h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307493 au
  2024-09-20 23h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  = 358.51 deg
  2024-09-30 21h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 188.20 deg
  2024-10-23 15h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2024-10-30 14h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728202 au
  2024-11-16 08h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  22.55 deg
  2024-11-17 03h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  55.24 deg
  2024-12-06 02h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 254.45 deg
  2024-12-06 14h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307496 au
  2024-12-07 20h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  =  76.26 deg
  2024-12-25 02h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  22.05 deg

  2025-01-04 13h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983327 au
  2025-01-10 04h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  47.17 deg
  2025-01-16 01h  Mars     Opposition            Lon  = 116.23 deg
  2025-01-19 14h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466702 au
  2025-02-09 12h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 320.99 deg
  2025-02-19 20h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718454 au
  2025-03-04 14h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307496 au
  2025-03-08 06h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  18.25 deg
  2025-03-12 10h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 352.10 deg
  2025-03-19 22h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 359.61 deg
  2025-03-23 01h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =   2.64 deg
  2025-03-24 20h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =   4.41 deg
  2025-04-16 22h  Mars     Aphel                 Rmax = 1.666063 au
  2025-04-17 13h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466704 au
  2025-04-21 19h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  27.39 deg
  2025-05-18 01h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  57.31 deg
  2025-05-30 04h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  69.03 deg
  2025-05-31 13h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307491 au
  2025-06-01 02h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  45.88 deg
  2025-06-12 02h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728233 au
  2025-06-24 15h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  93.37 deg
  2025-07-03 20h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016644 au
  2025-07-04 04h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  25.93 deg
  2025-07-14 13h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466704 au
  2025-07-31 24h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 129.01 deg
  2025-08-19 10h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  18.58 deg
  2025-08-27 12h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307491 au
  2025-09-13 11h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 170.92 deg
  2025-09-21 05h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  = 358.51 deg
  2025-09-23 12h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  =   0.75 deg
  2025-10-02 09h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718423 au
  2025-10-10 12h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2025-10-29 22h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  23.88 deg
  2025-11-20 09h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 238.30 deg
  2025-11-21 13h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  59.44 deg
  2025-11-23 11h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307492 au
  2025-12-07 21h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  20.73 deg

  2026-01-03 17h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983302 au
  2026-01-06 11h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466702 au
  2026-01-06 16h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 286.35 deg
  2026-01-09 10h  Mars     Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 289.17 deg
  2026-01-10 08h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  = 110.10 deg
  2026-01-21 16h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 301.62 deg
  2026-01-22 19h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728240 au
  2026-02-19 11h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307498 au
  2026-02-19 18h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  18.12 deg
  2026-03-07 11h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 346.87 deg
  2026-03-22 10h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   1.85 deg
  2026-03-25 08h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   4.72 deg
  2026-03-26 07h  Mars     Perihel               Rmin = 1.381258 au
  2026-04-03 23h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  27.82 deg
  2026-04-04 10h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466700 au
  2026-05-14 14h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  53.81 deg
  2026-05-15 03h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718420 au
  2026-05-18 10h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307498 au
  2026-05-22 16h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  61.52 deg
  2026-06-15 20h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  24.52 deg
  2026-07-01 10h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466700 au
  2026-07-06 17h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016644 au
  2026-07-13 01h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 110.70 deg
  2026-07-29 12h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 126.42 deg
  2026-08-02 08h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  19.47 deg
  2026-08-14 09h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307496 au
  2026-08-15 06h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  45.89 deg
  2026-08-27 17h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 154.44 deg
  2026-09-04 12h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728232 au
  2026-09-26 00h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  =   2.99 deg
  2026-09-27 09h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466700 au
  2026-10-04 12h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  =  11.30 deg
  2026-10-12 10h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  25.16 deg
  2026-10-24 03h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 210.75 deg
  2026-11-04 14h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 222.18 deg
  2026-11-10 08h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307496 au
  2026-11-20 23h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  19.62 deg
  2026-11-25 23h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  63.67 deg
  2026-12-24 08h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466699 au
  2026-12-25 21h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718459 au

  2027-01-01 17h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 281.03 deg
  2027-01-03 03h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983333 au
  2027-01-03 19h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.95 deg
  2027-02-03 06h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  18.32 deg
  2027-02-06 08h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307498 au
  2027-02-11 00h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  = 142.03 deg
  2027-02-18 17h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 329.79 deg
  2027-02-19 15h  Mars     Opposition            Lon  = 150.77 deg
  2027-03-04 23h  Mars     Aphel                 Rmax = 1.666101 au
  2027-03-17 07h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  27.63 deg
  2027-03-22 07h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466699 au
  2027-03-24 22h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   4.09 deg
  2027-04-07 17h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  17.67 deg
  2027-04-17 05h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728189 au
  2027-04-28 21h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  38.35 deg
  2027-05-05 07h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307502 au
  2027-05-27 08h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  65.77 deg
  2027-05-28 10h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  22.92 deg
  2027-06-18 07h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466697 au
  2027-06-23 08h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  91.66 deg
  2027-07-05 05h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016729 au
  2027-07-15 19h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  20.70 deg
  2027-08-01 06h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307502 au
  2027-08-07 14h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718468 au
  2027-08-11 11h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 138.57 deg
  2027-08-11 24h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 139.10 deg
  2027-08-31 08h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 157.70 deg
  2027-09-14 06h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466696 au
  2027-09-24 22h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  26.26 deg
  2027-09-28 13h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  =   5.23 deg
  2027-10-18 00h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  =  24.41 deg
  2027-10-19 15h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 206.02 deg
  2027-10-28 06h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307500 au
  2027-11-04 09h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  18.77 deg
  2027-11-27 21h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728191 au
  2027-11-30 10h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  67.92 deg
  2027-12-11 05h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466697 au
  2027-12-11 22h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 259.63 deg

  2028-01-05 12h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983307 au
  2028-01-17 17h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  18.81 deg
  2028-01-24 05h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307501 au
  2028-02-02 09h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 313.02 deg
  2028-02-11 12h  Mars     Perihel               Rmin = 1.381161 au
  2028-02-27 16h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  26.90 deg
  2028-03-08 04h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466697 au
  2028-03-12 15h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  = 172.58 deg
  2028-03-19 07h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718459 au
  2028-03-21 01h  Mars     Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   0.97 deg
  2028-03-22 13h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  46.12 deg
  2028-03-26 10h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   6.33 deg
  2028-04-11 23h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  22.57 deg
  2028-04-20 12h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  30.94 deg
  2028-04-21 04h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307502 au
  2028-05-09 06h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  21.39 deg
  2028-05-31 01h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  70.04 deg
  2028-06-01 10h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  71.43 deg
  2028-06-02 03h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  72.10 deg
  2028-06-04 04h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466698 au
  2028-06-26 19h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  22.23 deg
  2028-07-03 22h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016680 au
  2028-07-09 16h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728226 au
  2028-07-18 03h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307501 au
  2028-07-25 13h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 123.12 deg
  2028-08-10 17h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  45.78 deg
  2028-08-31 03h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466698 au
  2028-09-06 10h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  27.05 deg
  2028-09-30 02h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  =   7.47 deg
  2028-09-30 13h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 187.89 deg
  2028-10-02 11h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 189.76 deg
  2028-10-14 03h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307499 au
  2028-10-17 23h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  18.19 deg
  2028-10-30 02h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718428 au
  2028-10-30 17h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  =  37.82 deg
  2028-11-20 02h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 238.26 deg
  2028-11-27 02h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466698 au
  2028-12-03 21h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  72.20 deg
  2028-12-28 03h  Jupiter  Aphel                 Rmax = 5.453861 au
  2028-12-31 01h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  19.58 deg

  2029-01-02 18h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983292 au
  2029-01-10 02h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307498 au
  2029-01-16 08h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 296.48 deg
  2029-01-19 22h  Mars     Aphel                 Rmax = 1.666093 au
  2029-02-09 02h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  25.75 deg
  2029-02-19 10h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728234 au
  2029-02-23 01h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466698 au
  2029-03-23 20h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   3.46 deg
  2029-03-25 08h  Mars     Opposition            Lon  = 184.95 deg
  2029-03-26 16h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   6.31 deg
  2029-03-28 23h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =   8.57 deg
  2029-04-08 01h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307500 au
  2029-04-12 03h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  = 202.54 deg
  2029-04-21 13h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  20.09 deg
  2029-05-04 17h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  44.51 deg
  2029-05-12 23h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  52.50 deg
  2029-05-22 01h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466699 au
  2029-06-04 18h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  74.34 deg
  2029-06-08 12h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  23.93 deg
  2029-06-11 19h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718431 au
  2029-07-05 00h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307499 au
  2029-07-06 05h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016713 au
  2029-07-09 20h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 107.91 deg
  2029-08-18 00h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466702 au
  2029-08-19 21h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  27.42 deg
  2029-09-15 21h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 173.30 deg
  2029-10-01 00h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307494 au
  2029-10-01 15h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  17.89 deg
  2029-10-02 03h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728227 au
  2029-10-02 14h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  =   9.71 deg
  2029-10-27 12h  Venus    Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  47.01 deg
  2029-10-30 23h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 217.80 deg
  2029-10-30 22h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 217.84 deg
  2029-11-13 15h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  =  51.51 deg
  2029-11-13 23h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2029-12-08 09h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  76.51 deg
  2029-12-14 03h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  20.60 deg
  2029-12-27 23h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307492 au
  2029-12-29 13h  Mars     Perihel               Rmin = 1.381399 au
  2029-12-31 12h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 280.11 deg

  2030-01-03 10h  Earth    Perihel               Rmin = 0.983342 au
  2030-01-06 13h  Venus    Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 286.26 deg
  2030-01-22 07h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718455 au
  2030-01-22 10h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  24.35 deg
  2030-02-09 23h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2030-03-09 23h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 349.40 deg
  2030-03-17 23h  Venus    Western Elongation    Elo  =  46.61 deg
  2030-03-25 22h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307492 au
  2030-03-31 11h  Neptune  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  10.81 deg
  2030-04-04 08h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  19.11 deg
  2030-04-23 11h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  =  33.35 deg
  2030-05-08 22h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466704 au
  2030-05-13 10h  Jupiter  Opposition            Lon  = 232.77 deg
  2030-05-14 13h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728211 au
  2030-05-19 06h  Saturn   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  58.35 deg
  2030-05-21 02h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  25.56 deg
  2030-05-25 10h  Mars     Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  64.29 deg
  2030-06-09 13h  Uranus   Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  78.67 deg
  2030-06-21 21h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307494 au
  2030-06-24 07h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  =  92.83 deg
  2030-07-04 13h  Earth    Aphel                 Rmax = 1.016723 au
  2030-08-02 05h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  27.27 deg
  2030-08-04 21h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466703 au
  2030-08-29 20h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 156.53 deg
  2030-09-03 20h  Venus    Perihel               Rmin = 0.718451 au
  2030-09-15 06h  Mercury  Western Elongation    Elo  =  17.90 deg
  2030-09-17 21h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307495 au
  2030-10-05 03h  Neptune  Opposition            Lon  =  11.95 deg
  2030-10-11 23h  Mercury  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 198.69 deg
  2030-10-20 11h  Venus    Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 207.10 deg
  2030-10-31 20h  Mercury  Aphel                 Rmax = 0.466705 au
  2030-11-26 23h  Mercury  Eastern Elongation    Elo  =  21.80 deg
  2030-11-27 16h  Saturn   Opposition            Lon  =  65.44 deg
  2030-11-30 13h  Jupiter  Superior Conjunction  Lon  = 248.42 deg
  2030-12-08 00h  Mars     Aphel                 Rmax = 1.666007 au
  2030-12-12 21h  Uranus   Opposition            Lon  =  80.85 deg
  2030-12-14 20h  Mercury  Perihel               Rmin = 0.307489 au
  2030-12-15 19h  Mercury  Inferior Conjunction  Lon  = 263.85 deg
  2030-12-25 06h  Venus    Aphel                 Rmax = 0.728218 au


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