FEHASHMAC Version 4.2 01.03.2025

Harald von Fellenberg

Table of Contents

1. New Features
2. Purpose
3. Usage
3.1. Hash of a String
3.2. Hash of a Hex String
3.3. Hash of One or More Files
3.4. Verify File Hashes
3.5. HMAC of a String, Key is a String
3.6. KMAC of a String, Key is a String
3.7. HMAC of One or More Files, Key is a Hex String
3.8. KMAC of One or More Files, Key is ASCII String
3.9. KMAC128 and KMAC256 using a hexkey and a custom ASCII string
3.10. KMACXOF128 and KMACXOF256 creating a 256 bit hash
3.11. Bitwise Hash of a Hex String (For Supporting Algorithms)
3.12. Multiple Hashes and/or HMACs
3.13. Hashes, HMACs and KMACs of Some Files
3.14. Extendable Output Functions (XOFs) shake128, shake256
3.15. All Hash Algorithms Applied To One File
3.16. Test Suite
3.17. shake128, shake256, can use Base64
4. Help Information

1. New Features

01.03.2025: BLAKE3 is now the fastest hash code It is more than 15 times faster than all SHA3 contenders. CPACK can now be used to create binary and source packages.

04.02.2025: Add BLAKE3 These are taken from the BLAKE3 github site, suggestion by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, one of the BLAKE architects.

16.12.2024: Add KMAC128, KMAC256, KMACXOF128, KMACXOF256 These are taken from NIST SP 800-185 SHA-3 Derived Functions, December 2016, including test vectors. They include a so-called custom string besides the key. KMACXOF128, KMACXOF256 can produce extendable length output. The KMAC prefix to SHA3 only supports ASCII keys.

30.08.2024: Add HMAC to SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 This includes also test vectors taken from NIST SP 800-224 Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC): Specification of HMAC and Recommendations for Message Authentication, Initial Public Draft, June 2024.

27.08.2021: Convert from autotools to cmake build environment Because the autotools have not been consistently maintained in the past few years, the build environment has been converted to cmake. See the INSTALL instructions on how to build fehashmac.

07.09.2016: Replace SHA3, keccak with new code base

02.08.2016: General cleanup. One potential buffer overrun in keccak has been fixed. The code has been checked against STACK for null pointers, three finding have been fixed. Doc has been reorganized. A shell script, md5sum2md5 has been added to convert from md5sum syntax to md5 style.

11.07.2016: MD6 algorithms have been added. md6-224, md6-256, md6-384, md6-512, although they had been retired from the SHA3 competition. Performance comparisons are available in the Doc directory.

29.02.2016: SHA3 algorithms are now based on FIPS 202 issued August 2015. shake128, shake256 support now extendable length output, the previously defined algos xofshake128, xofshake256 are now superseded by shake128, shake256 and are therefore abandoned.

20.05.2015: KMAC implemented for SHA3 algorithms and XOFs. README updated. Algorithm kmac-all selects all algorithms that support KMAC, all-b64 selects all algos that support Base64 encoding, and similarly kmac-all-b64. The KMAC key can either be an ASCII string (up to 253 bytes long, --key=xxx) or a hex string (--hexkey=nnn), whose length in bits may be specified with --keylength=bbb (max value 254*8-1= 2031 bits).

01.05.2015: Extendable Output Functions (XOFs) xofshake128, xofshake256. Output length can be specified to an arbitrary number of bytes up to 9 Exabytes or infinity. BASE64 output is OK.

27.02.2015: BASE64 support for SHAKE. SHAKE can now produce BASE64 output.

18.01.2015: SHA3 performance: SHA3 is now implemented based on the KeccakWidth1600Opt64LCu6 version in the KeccakCodePackage (downloaded on 11.12.2014): $ git clone https://github.com/gvanas/KeccakCodePackage This version gives good performance both on 32 and 64 bit Intel platforms as well as on an AMD GEODE based appliance. Reports about other platforms like SPARC are welcome.

02.01.2015: The 6 SHA3 algorithms are now supported, based on the Draft FIPS Pub 202 (May 2014): sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512 and the two extendable output functions (XOF) shake128 and shake256. Test vectors are included. Our implementation is based on the reference implementation, a more efficient implementation will follow in an update.

28.01.2012: Multiple algorithms (including HMACs) can be specified simultaneously. The data files are read only once, and all hashes are calculated in parallel. As an option, algorithm "all" expands to the list of all known algorithms, which are thus calculated in parallel for each data file or string. Likewise, algorithm "hmac-all" expands to all known HMAC algorithms. The results of the --check option and the test cases are nicely summarized.

29.03.2011: Support for the sha512-224 sha512-256 algorithms

14.04.2011: HMAC test vectors added for MD5, SHA1, RMD128, RMD160. List of algorithms is now sorted alphabetically.

13.04.2011: Support for all SHA-3 finalists: BLAKE, GROESTL, JH, KECCAK, SKEIN for 224. 256. 384, 512 bits hash length, SKEIN also for 1024 bits. They all support bitwise operation, bitwise test vectors are included (taken from the SHA-3 submissions). HMAC support upgraded to FIPS PUB 198-1 (2008), HMAC test vectors added for sha{224, 256, 384, 512}.

2. Purpose

FEHASHMAC is a collection of publicly known hash algorithms integrated into a command-line utility. FEHASHMAC also contains a set of known test vectors and results for each algorithm such that the correct implementation for each hardware platform and compiler version can directly be verified.

FEHASHMAC supports bitwise hash calculation for algorithms with available bitwise test vectors. Currently this applies to the SHA algorithms: sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, and to the SHA-3 algorithms: sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512, shake128, shake256. The so-called Gillogly bitwise input has only been tested for sha1, but is also implemented in the SHA-2 hashes.

Bitwise hash calculation is also supported in sha512-224, sha512-256, whirl, but there are no bitwise test vectors available.

FEHASHMAC can also calculate hashed message authentication codes (HMAC) as specified in RFC 2104 and extended to arbitrary-length keys in FIPS PUB 198-1. The HMAC key can be specified as an ASCII string or as a hex string, and HMACs can be calculated for files, strings, and hex strings. For SHA3, the KMAC message authentication is available, not HMAC.

To simplify usage, symbolic links with the algorithm name allow to call fehashmac without the -a option. A prepended hmac- will automatically enable HMAC mode. Likewise with kmac- and -b64 for KMAC and Base64.

Hashes and HMACs/KMACs of files can be verified with the --check option.

SHA3 supports now both HMAC and KMAC . (Gilles van Assche, private communication, 11.12.2014, and NIST SP 800-224, June 2024).

3. Usage

3.1. Hash of a String

$ fehashmac -a md5 -s abc
# fehashmac -a md5 -s abc
DigestString: abc
md5 ("abc") = 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72
or shorter:
$ md5 -s abc

3.2. Hash of a Hex String

$ fehashmac -a md5 -M 0123456789abcdef
# fehashmac -a md5 -M 0123456789abcdef

3.3. Hash of One or More Files

$ fehashmac -a sha256 /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null
# fehashmac -a sha256 /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null
sha256 (/etc/passwd) = 125f6f2c9316d2cd9e40bc2bbc414af6a52f29fb69f55dfd90200595e3188e4e
sha256 (/etc/group) = dc169e84c2634d7244a36ae15d3c21711842d81efcb0eb2320c80167d00be172
sha256 (/dev/null) = e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
or shorter:
$ sha256 /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null

3.4. Verify File Hashes

$ fehashmac -c some.sha256
# fehashmac -c some.sha256
/etc/passwd: OK sha256
/etc/group: OK sha256
/dev/null: OK sha256
Lines read:             3
Hash entries read:      3
Files found:            3
Files OK:               3
where some.sha256 contains the output of the example above.

3.5. HMAC of a String, Key is a String

$ fehashmac -a hmac-rmd256 -K Boss -s 'Yes,we can!'
# fehashmac -a hmac-rmd256 -K Boss -s Yes,we can!
key ("hmac") = "Boss"
DigestString: Yes,we can!
HMAC with string "Yes,we can!"
hmac-rmd256 ("Yes,we can!") = 2b2a8cf6cfd56b54d3a80a2067edff63d14ed06ef3c26b1ac972bba224274c89
or shorter:
$ hmac-rmd256 -K Boss -s 'Yes,we can!'

3.6. KMAC of a String, Key is a String

$ kmac-sha3-224 -K Boss -s 'Yes,we can!'
# kmac-sha3-224 -K Boss -s Yes,we can!
key ("kmac") = "Boss"
length ("kmac") = 4
DigestString: Yes,we can!
KMAC with string "Yes,we can!"
sha3-224 ("Yes,we can!") = f32ebb35eddce6acc40472401405aa20b6e0394b4325a8ad3ccdb862

3.7. HMAC of One or More Files, Key is a Hex String

$ hmac-tiger2 --hexkey=fedcba9876543210 /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null
# hmac-tiger2 --hexkey=fedcba9876543210 /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null
hexkey ("hmac") = "fedcba9876543210"
hexkey ("kmac") = "fedcba9876543210"
hexkey ("hmac") = "fedcba9876543210"
hmac-tiger2 (/etc/passwd) = 91139606d8d82e87cc2cdb8bf9a94f5f4c422a2d975839ac
hmac-tiger2 (/etc/group) = b094610de5fa21cee27c2d82cf528f866c60ab7cbc2d61de
hmac-tiger2 (/dev/null) = 5b6a8380f59ecc8b3a97ce6be78c762fa16e30dbe2216e96

3.8. KMAC of One or More Files, Key is ASCII String

$ kmac-sha3-256 --key="ASCII key string" /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null
# kmac-sha3-256 --key=ASCII key string /etc/passwd /etc/group /dev/null
key ("hmac") = "ASCII key string"
key ("kmac") = "ASCII key string"
key ("kmac") = "ASCII key string"
length ("kmac") = 16
kmac-sha3-256 (/etc/passwd) = 0572e5737a46cfa6c7b21192bf9a798cd7fb855f7cf1e847be652d0a229c81da
kmac-sha3-256 (/etc/group) = 07428f5b7368fd6411c9260b65746739f1584ec0130e9ff5e9435d6307585a84
kmac-sha3-256 (/dev/null) = 822e4429cdb9468d3502aeb2728f8fc7a147e17ea6f2be2eca724add2440ae34

3.9. KMAC128 and KMAC256 using a hexkey and a custom ASCII string

$ fehashmac -a kmac128,kmac256 --hexkey=deadbeef --custom="ASCII custom string" /dev/null
# fehashmac -a kmac128,kmac256 --hexkey=deadbeef --custom=ASCII custom string /dev/null
hexkey ("hmac") = "deadbeef"
hexkey ("kmac") = "deadbeef"
customstring ("kmac") = "ASCII custom string"
hexkey ("kmac") = "deadbeef"
customstring ("kmac") = "ASCII custom string"
kmac128 (/dev/null) = 65886164d46a1b4e6d3cf5baa8a23efe3c41395008dae2329b27f3c116f0c23a
kmac256 (/dev/null) = 923a741240ef3632921d1e57616276773a959f23eae2547f8db8dbab8be5b285597f22f15b6a790f7c03d795c8d1f3bd3e6e24c5ed4f8c9c5771766c96cd1a15

3.10. KMACXOF128 and KMACXOF256 creating a 256 bit hash

$ fehashmac -a kmacxof128,kmacxof256 --hexkey=deadbeef --custom="ASCII custom string" --xoflength=256 /dev/null
# fehashmac -a kmacxof128,kmacxof256 --hexkey=deadbeef --custom=ASCII custom string --xoflength=256 /dev/null
hexkey ("hmac") = "deadbeef"
hexkey ("kmac") = "deadbeef"
customstring ("kmac") = "ASCII custom string"
xoflength ("Bytes") = 256
hexkey ("kmac") = "deadbeef"
customstring ("kmac") = "ASCII custom string"
length (xof) = 256
kmacxof128 (/dev/null) = 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
length (xof) = 256
kmacxof256 (/dev/null) = 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

3.11. Bitwise Hash of a Hex String (For Supporting Algorithms)

$ fehashmac -a sha256 --hexstring=98 --bits=5
# fehashmac -a sha256 --hexstring=98 --bits=5

3.12. Multiple Hashes and/or HMACs

Two hashes of some files, each file is read only once
$ fehashmac -a md5,sha256 /etc/passwd /etc/group
# fehashmac -a md5,sha256 /etc/passwd /etc/group
md5 (/etc/passwd) = 9d070d044ee85c344065e68bd5132d5c
sha256 (/etc/passwd) = 125f6f2c9316d2cd9e40bc2bbc414af6a52f29fb69f55dfd90200595e3188e4e
md5 (/etc/group) = 95034b2a13cd528f3616a3b32b40b9be
sha256 (/etc/group) = dc169e84c2634d7244a36ae15d3c21711842d81efcb0eb2320c80167d00be172

3.13. Hashes, HMACs and KMACs of Some Files

$ fehashmac -a md5,sha256,hmac-md5,hmac-sha256,kmac-sha3-384 --key="Jefe" /etc/passwd /etc/group
# fehashmac -a md5,sha256,hmac-md5,hmac-sha256,kmac-sha3-384 --key=Jefe /etc/passwd /etc/group
key ("hmac") = "Jefe"
key ("kmac") = "Jefe"
key ("hmac") = "Jefe"
key ("kmac") = "Jefe"
length ("kmac") = 4
md5 (/etc/passwd) = 9d070d044ee85c344065e68bd5132d5c
sha256 (/etc/passwd) = 125f6f2c9316d2cd9e40bc2bbc414af6a52f29fb69f55dfd90200595e3188e4e
hmac-md5 (/etc/passwd) = b3fe4bb74a2419cb11a1ae1d0de8d193
hmac-sha256 (/etc/passwd) = bd4c8888b087e0da8893757a980fbc7208a7413f198f977fff83c0bbe83955e9
kmac-sha3-384 (/etc/passwd) = 9ad7c08c1af062f751c0e3f13cdc924ad6486bc698d6275fa8dfa666455062f6c26d8cc6511ece879074144a00c930b2
md5 (/etc/group) = 95034b2a13cd528f3616a3b32b40b9be
sha256 (/etc/group) = dc169e84c2634d7244a36ae15d3c21711842d81efcb0eb2320c80167d00be172
hmac-md5 (/etc/group) = 9769085bb1b3a14427135fc978ba60da
hmac-sha256 (/etc/group) = 130f080ffda68c48aadeeec69eb31b839e7a9c7f4458ba66b83998db3b0f71ec
kmac-sha3-384 (/etc/group) = c16bb9b16b3e3db329bd8d978dfeaf77049feb277ccc5329cfa127ab0bab0f48773749916523686b268496d5fe731a1e

3.14. Extendable Output Functions (XOFs) shake128, shake256

The default output length is 512 bytes, it can be modified by the --xoflength=nnn parameter,
possible values are up to 2**63-1 or -1 for infinity. Base64 output for any desired length is supported.
$ fehashmac -a shake128 /etc/passwd /etc/group
# fehashmac -a shake128 /etc/passwd /etc/group
length (xof) = 512
shake128 (/etc/passwd) = 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
length (xof) = 512
shake128 (/etc/group) = 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
$ fehashmac -a shake128-b64 --xoflength=64 /dev/null
# fehashmac -a shake128-b64 --xoflength=64 /dev/null
xoflength ("Bytes") = 64
length (xof) = 64
shake128-b64 (/dev/null) = f5wrpOiPgn1hYEVQdgWFPtc7gJP277yI6xpurPpm7yY8se6piABLkxA8+wru/SpobgH6Sljoo2OcqKHj+a5X4g==
$ fehashmac -a shake128-b64 --xoflength=211 /dev/null | fehashmac -c
# fehashmac -c
/dev/null: OK shake128-b64, match truncated to 211 bytes
Lines read:             3
Hash entries read:      3
XOF lengths found:      1
Files found:            1
Files OK:               1

3.15. All Hash Algorithms Applied To One File

$ fehashmac -a all /etc/passwd
# fehashmac -a all /etc/passwd
blake224 (/etc/passwd) = dc0420848a7ce597d84f09e9a8ec931d9551487b5301bbf909d8a849
blake256 (/etc/passwd) = 72164c20c405e4d30d07b26d74bae7fd3cbb820bdfe1dd1ca1e32eedce1c8dcd
length (xof) = 32
blake3 (/etc/passwd) = 64572306672c9ee99724e5fef94ff0f5cec54a5b7603cdc7bd823a1b1f03d012
blake384 (/etc/passwd) = 4c7088c0a75a0a0de3f71df8dcd07265f67a10298fb90fcf2c782afb9d7f7ceaaf6fa8c3b5b7a8c129df4eb61d64a5e3
blake512 (/etc/passwd) = 76e66a4bb0bee4689fdeded016d3789fdcf68d859f0443e90ee3c95b8d6baa0cf30de3f3c0f7bb26495da66a1f2c01e39679e3a3d3743b7100105e9a7109bce5
gost (/etc/passwd) = f7e6ffcc8b6f5a1740dd477b0b32402ba680a0e64290163f758270923397b9e3
groestl224 (/etc/passwd) = 08927c3a04d3ee88c0ee13d5081a5f74776897e16b0d326dbe4390c7
groestl256 (/etc/passwd) = 7d5e0458c6c5ec5a5f24acabe90a0de9bfc42d24ffaac4c8e8517d7383e9f65a
groestl384 (/etc/passwd) = e7fb7710e30203fd0d660e8c68850cc1b69ebd7dcf8a7e16e652ceefc3b2c1e3fd2ee050bbeecaab79038be6dd66cad3
groestl512 (/etc/passwd) = d05efc3ddb01db5676a08f853f688ee31d29bfd1980137daf1003dedb6c3b91141f6ef8bdc8e3fd410b33134ea3aedca79442f0946df331f8e814c5d11f4994c
jh224 (/etc/passwd) = 2fe671990acd31e384e8240cde58a3dee5d3a846d6d2e87336f8b54b
jh256 (/etc/passwd) = 574d1f95dff00cd307ade561258dd4690a1fec9502a6051ecb8006a9fbae81fa
jh384 (/etc/passwd) = 963a46512512e29c1ef81a62811a36aabfe7e59d9a3af509bd6be60e0ba610a30a47f2315769bddf830bc1f96cdeef37
jh512 (/etc/passwd) = a23209c81bc68579bf4ceb414b02ae84ef2b09601ea2d23fdbc9fc31bb2a88daa62d7685ac657108d934f5873fc403fa4d12b242bce3db468287fa514f0cb9b2
keccak224 (/etc/passwd) = 4f372cfbdfc45a6e19aa80c05fda8a6a33a8624753b8805782e4e30d
keccak256 (/etc/passwd) = 0732935c89d33b8cbdef8ec429ae5bc0aeba24269d0672f03becd88cc448975b
keccak384 (/etc/passwd) = e2654a844621dc6697f07582f45b70b2ab43f9a0b0021844cd4f55098d3b9adbdbb90d4f52bf5d6a7c0ae1278ff290e7
keccak512 (/etc/passwd) = 077ce91d9623e171d1a5de00b1b9f707abab6326dcb6957afdb645237b982e1bfeb4d72096c9305644eef13d58f2f90beb0a23b95a802b2a21d6ff4a0bfc771e
kmac128 (/etc/passwd) = 6ff0cc74444ccb91ad92956a4f9e3aa4498dccd9628a646203d5733656a13427
kmac256 (/etc/passwd) = 551983df81a228b55e9b9f59fde5e5f40f35c597a5b1b1e9c839cbf4694065f5bd271bc54fceacfd4ebbc6a71e5c5be1d01f1aeddcc35dde7b405197abb7386c
length (xof) = 32
kmacxof128 (/etc/passwd) = c40cccadb2ccd963c86fdbad9157b5af08a3c87f7a536ed1416efe4aa89c32c3
length (xof) = 64
kmacxof256 (/etc/passwd) = e02ca3070d1d113fa25c4028184d007d986a50e71e487845c828bf177e83f832b3cf212df34e74b3fb7fc38ad5052e364555d7ccbc164aefaed4db1aac353f18
lash160 (/etc/passwd) = b5296561fae80c7e3491c4079384113b70c68b74
lash256 (/etc/passwd) = 175036ee4ef405a802287595f142ab3bc21579c5135d56a4e626caccaf262817
lash384 (/etc/passwd) = 0d7ef7bec86ce5fc045bda38b4edf1f1b9eeded253170a38bf6988b449eefb40f29de161b651fbb3d338def62ed9c39c
lash512 (/etc/passwd) = 328f172c447af3a4051f48296ef543c86ebd0e2e38c791937f06cc926a802d2e964c198fcf013bd4c088744b2c4a938f12bb7b75123112ab71c69ceffcf9d800
md2 (/etc/passwd) = e362f2257eedc7a3fc03bebb95dcbb80
md4 (/etc/passwd) = 9f5c3331b2cfc3767f9b70f6d6e922df
md5 (/etc/passwd) = 9d070d044ee85c344065e68bd5132d5c
md6-224 (/etc/passwd) = 29321165e5ae0b46566608f17c83a42feeb8179cea2504f542e50d46
md6-256 (/etc/passwd) = 8e422ea221f961cdd33768f5dacf1d411603eaf17aa4b087424848bb669e29aa
md6-384 (/etc/passwd) = 17f72cf8cb9496fb65ec48eddaab165eec6482cc28201bd81bbe96283924b66d160dd4fb8dad578459f2d7f0db83628d
md6-512 (/etc/passwd) = 82f05a0c45867071814bd33e93df910752aaf56048a2466fa6571b581fc04a6dc822ce0d67dc6315268b46f58fb9dcaf586767dc2397409f794c673d820a2ac1
rmd128 (/etc/passwd) = 742cab0cca93aa5b9bdcd1bfbe42ca21
rmd160 (/etc/passwd) = 0334d6924c01a446e49765d7bed7ae0df3641a60
rmd256 (/etc/passwd) = 679e8705da7d1b57fd14f84c890920038c3d89bf80d695bb5d93aeff16333d30
rmd320 (/etc/passwd) = 91704e77e6708ec36cf56c3ce2543092b7ea9c30258d71f17196003357353c63ed2459ab1ba42dfa
sha1 (/etc/passwd) = 893c077218cee0bd78cf7961f953f3c9eaf48f7b
sha224 (/etc/passwd) = 3e3a77974c53c45acb911d8720361b77e85703186cb3c0dc16f29040
sha256 (/etc/passwd) = 125f6f2c9316d2cd9e40bc2bbc414af6a52f29fb69f55dfd90200595e3188e4e
sha3-224 (/etc/passwd) = 47f49d39d4872dfd11ff44d95309c6a71e7530c38538ef650a2a696f
sha3-256 (/etc/passwd) = cc3778c994e67c6a3b1614f7d1a4df3d90d21035ec3c67b89eed0c85a433c47f
sha3-384 (/etc/passwd) = 689f9ed04f756cb931001a60b54c9905db17e99849c776737bf01b4d1085ba6f766963b63e66ac2281d4559ebc453d80
sha3-512 (/etc/passwd) = 2db5c2413f216a2a033f023e559fc55cf532d97a19d9aeff92b5d4e3ef43b635ac69c4808cf56d81dbac3331e870ee5b7128886367cf5f2343023c3cabe155e5
sha384 (/etc/passwd) = 5d9698a39de53c78c8abaf41d50a80c0c2dd15231b4f8a4d07d7b86544457e05b38a310aaed04c444333ef06d8d0e59f
sha512 (/etc/passwd) = 81c489123e1dd3f4195cb2e193b7ac34bc8a2d8668a42321554a2812bd2aa9a56b3553045d47f611ae09210314f79037eb9d8d98cdf72db6e1f2efe0ecaf7877
sha512-224 (/etc/passwd) = cf6358017e03e5a3dd8ac25c8f735a6b1b9274931ae271b0cf7a9f0c
sha512-256 (/etc/passwd) = a3a92cf636cf593c25453c616b175411282c65c29378261c90c7b85801c9a814
length (xof) = 512
shake128 (/etc/passwd) = 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
length (xof) = 512
shake256 (/etc/passwd) = 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
skein1024 (/etc/passwd) = 62fa3c2dd5218b4f4f1d4d2f6b484e2f46682d124698ee67a3f923e55c7678293cece6ac71aefb5d0725b843bb9d764b1c6376de6c2d06b9fe96afea4e12c682846e152dd1bf1b3f91355a2f22f4a52ccf9de2967b01802f44096784977668de88ba4aaa907f5c1ca0599ec863848cb04a710b9345ea48f4b77d73d13ee04f85
skein224 (/etc/passwd) = 3dc4ea8a834624dde7a9072636c9c69be876561975f3f443c7f7ac83
skein256 (/etc/passwd) = e1583b662d7495e37128209ef6f4d5f1c7cba8dd5a4eedb4cb1aacb47aed5ebc
skein384 (/etc/passwd) = 15b16e9fba7c12205fa44755abd2552455ed142ed903e649dcbfac44cdb8547ea8ba4cc3d62f1a0ca0e50389b3cda9e6
skein512 (/etc/passwd) = 897be93211bea725e341f85fae123e38196f662fd6722d3a50c664f52b6c168049fee125f3395c53fd1d42461094460b614960a68d02abee446faa1148b24b2f
tiger2 (/etc/passwd) = 3aed8c4ef17df316c88cb7442f9edb386142f7b50ad584e8
whirl (/etc/passwd) = 87adb2a8368f717284d24d3be3bc49a573b50a95c28d8e460e0c8a126ed99d61b0e180c37e1ffedae5e4daff25b75a9cf1a8614444de5306bf81d0963057ca91

If you wish to include all Base64 encodings, use

$ fehashmac -a all,all-b64 /etc/passwd

3.16. Test Suite

sha256 has tests for byte and bit strings and HMAC
$ sha256 --test
# sha256 --test
sha256 Test Suite:
sha256 ("abc")  = ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad  OK
sha256 ("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq")  = 248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1  OK
Tests passed: 2, tests failed: 0.
sha256 Bitwise Test Suite:
sha256 ("hexstring=C0, bits=2") = 1e1cea10a23697dc97b423c259842ac12ee679d6b43f088f3c32b26dbbfb0d79  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=C0, bits=3") = fa0e40cc693c20d55b131b825a32f961d6d0681811a95886d6704e9c376a9abd  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=68, bits=5") = d6d3e02a31a84a8caa9718ed6c2057be09db45e7823eb5079ce7a573a3760f95  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=19, bits=8") = 68aa2e2ee5dff96e3355e6c7ee373e3d6a4e17f75f9518d843709c0c9bc3e3d4  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=be2746c6 db52765f db2f8870 0f9a7360, bits=123") = 77ec1dc89c821ff2a1279089fa091b35b8cd960bcaf7de01c6a7680756beb972  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=e3d72570 dcdd787c e3887ab2 cd684652, bits=128") = 175ee69b02ba9b58e2b0a5fd13819cea573f3940a94f825128cf4209beabb4e8  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=3e740371 c810c2b9 9fc04e80 4907ef7c f26be28b 57cb58a3e2f3c007 166e49c1 2e9ba34c 01040691 29ea7615 642545703a2bd901 e16eb0e0 5deba014 ebff6406 a07d5436 4eff742da779b0b3 a0 , bits=611") = 3e9ad6468bbbad2ac3c2cdc292e018ba5fd70b960cf1679777fce708fdb066e9  OK
sha256 ("hexstring=8326754e 2277372f 4fc12b20 527afef0 4d8a0569 71b11ad57123a7c1 37760000 d7bef6f3 c1f7a908 3aa39d81 0db310777dab8b1e 7f02b84a 26c77332 5f8b2374 de7a4b5a 58cb5c5cf35bcee6 fb946e5b d694fa59 3a8beb3f 9d6592ec edaa66ca82a29d0c 51bcf933 6230e5d7 84e4c0a4 3f8d79a3 0a165cbabe452b77 4b9c7109 a97d138f 12922896 6f6c0adc 106aad5a9fdd3082 5769b2c6 71af6759 df28eb393d54d6 , bits=1304") = 97dbca7df46d62c8a422c941dd7e835b8ad3361763f7e9b2d95f4f0da6e1ccbc  OK
Tests passed: 8, tests failed: 0.
sha256 HMAC Test Suite:
hmac-sha256 ("Hi There")  = b0344c61d8db38535ca8afceaf0bf12b881dc200c9833da726e9376c2e32cff7  OK
hmac-sha256 ("what do ya want for nothing?")  = 5bdcc146bf60754e6a042426089575c75a003f089d2739839dec58b964ec3843  OK
hmac-sha256 ("dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd")  = 773ea91e36800e46854db8ebd09181a72959098b3ef8c122d9635514ced565fe  OK
hmac-sha256 ("cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd")  = 82558a389a443c0ea4cc819899f2083a85f0faa3e578f8077a2e3ff46729665b  OK
hmac-sha256 ("Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First")  = 60e431591ee0b67f0d8a26aacbf5b77f8e0bc6213728c5140546040f0ee37f54  OK
hmac-sha256 ("This is a test using a larger than block-size key and a larger than block-size data. The key needs to be hashed before being used by the HMAC algorithm.")  = 9b09ffa71b942fcb27635fbcd5b0e944bfdc63644f0713938a7f51535c3a35e2  OK
hmac-sha256 ("5468697320697320612074657374207573696e672061206c6172676572207468616e20626c6f636b2d73697a65206b657920616e642061206c6172676572207468616e20626c6f636b2d73697a6520646174612e20546865206b6579206e6565647320746f20626520686173686564206265666f7265206265696e6720757365642062792074686520484d414320616c676f726974686d2e")  = 9b09ffa71b942fcb27635fbcd5b0e944bfdc63644f0713938a7f51535c3a35e2  OK
Tests passed: 7, tests failed: 0.
Summary of Test Results
sha256      Hash tests          : passed  2, failed 0
sha256      Bitwise hash tests  : passed  8, failed 0
sha256      HMAC tests          : passed  7, failed 0
Categories: 3, Tests: 17, passed 17, failed 0.
Note: all test cases for all algorithms can be executed using
$ fehashmac -a all --test

3.17. shake128, shake256, can use Base64

$ shake128-b64 /etc/passwd
# shake128-b64 /etc/passwd
length (xof) = 512
shake128-b64 (/etc/passwd) = 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
Alternate: $ shake128 --base64 /etc/passwd
The --base64 (or shorter --b64) flag applies base64 output to all supporting algorithms.

4. Help Information

        $ fehashmac -h
        # fehashmac -h
        Usage: fehashmac [ options ] [ file ..]
         -or-  fehashmac -c [file]
         -or-  fehashmac -t
        Generic Hash and HMAC Program fehashmac V4.1 04.02.2025
        Harald von Fellenberg (hvf at hvf dot ch)
        Supports HMAC (RFC 2104, FIPS PUB 198-1, NIST SP 800-224) for most hash algorithms.
        Supports SHA3 and SHAKE (FIPS PUB 202, August 2015).
        Supports base64 encoded output for SHAKE.
        Supports arbitrary extendable output lengths for SHAKE128, SHAKE256.
        Supports KMAC (http://keyak.noekeon.org/Keyak-1.2.pdf) for SHA3 algorithms.
        The previous algos XOFSHAKE are now integrated in SHAKE and are obsolete.
        Multiple hashes can be calculated simultaneously, files are read only once.
        Supports kmac128, kmac256, kmacxof128, kmacxof256 (NIST SP 800-185).

        The supported hash algorithms are (57): blake224 blake256 blake3
        blake384 blake512 gost groestl224 groestl256 groestl384 groestl512
        jh224 jh256 jh384 jh512 keccak224 keccak256 keccak384 keccak512
        kmac128 kmac256 kmacxof128 kmacxof256 lash160 lash256 lash384
        lash512 md2 md4 md5 md6-224 md6-256 md6-384 md6-512 rmd128 rmd160
        rmd256 rmd320 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512
        sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 skein1024
        skein224 skein256 skein384 skein512 tiger2 whirl

        The supported HMAC algorithms are (52): hmac-blake224 hmac-blake256
        hmac-blake384 hmac-blake512 hmac-gost hmac-groestl224 hmac-groestl256
        hmac-groestl384 hmac-groestl512 hmac-jh224 hmac-jh256 hmac-jh384
        hmac-jh512 hmac-keccak224 hmac-keccak256 hmac-keccak384 hmac-keccak512
        hmac-lash160 hmac-lash256 hmac-lash384 hmac-lash512 hmac-md2
        hmac-md4 hmac-md5 hmac-md6-224 hmac-md6-256 hmac-md6-384 hmac-md6-512
        hmac-rmd128 hmac-rmd160 hmac-rmd256 hmac-rmd320 hmac-sha1 hmac-sha224
        hmac-sha256 hmac-sha3-224 hmac-sha3-256 hmac-sha3-384 hmac-sha3-512
        hmac-sha384 hmac-sha512 hmac-sha512-224 hmac-sha512-256 hmac-shake128
        hmac-shake256 hmac-skein1024 hmac-skein224 hmac-skein256 hmac-skein384
        hmac-skein512 hmac-tiger2 hmac-whirl

        The supported KMAC algorithms are (6): kmac-sha3-224 kmac-sha3-256
        kmac-sha3-384 kmac-sha3-512 kmac-shake128 kmac-shake256

        The supported algorithms with base64 encoding are (2): shake128-b64

        The supported KMAC algorithms with base64 encoding are (2): kmac-shake128-b64

        The supported algorithms with extendable output length (XOF) are (5): blake3
        kmacxof128 kmacxof256 shake128 shake256

        Options and arguments:
          -a algo[,algo,...]    - choose algorithm(s), see list below
          --algorithm=algo[,algo,...]  - choose algorithm(s), see list below
                                  these two arguments can be specified multiple times
                                  the files to be hashed are only read once.
          -a hmac-algo[,...]    - choose HMAC algorithm with hash algo.
                                  Hash and HMAC algos may be freely mixed.
          -a kmac-algo[,...]    - choose KMAC algorithm with hash algo.
          -a algo-b64[,...]     - choose base64 encoding for hash algo.
          -a all                - choose all hash algorithms
          -a hmac-all           - choose all HMAC algorithms
          -a kmac-all           - choose all KMAC algorithms
          -a all-b64            - choose all algorithms that support base64 encoding
          -a kmac-all-b64       - choose all algorithms that support KMAC and base64 encoding
          -s string             - ASCII digests string for one algorithm
          --string=string       - ASCII digests string for one algorithm
          --bitstring=bitstring - digests bitstring (Jim Gillogly format, bbb#nnn|bb..)
          --hexstring=hexstring - digests hexstring (like -M, --M=)
          --hexstringBitLen=nn  - length of hexstring in bits (same as --bits)
          -t                    - runs time trial for all algorithms
          --time                - runs time trial for all algorithms
          -x                    - runs test script for one algorithm
          --test                - runs test script for one algorithm
          file ...              - digests file(s) for one algorithm
          (none)                - digests standard input for one algorithm
          -c [file]             - checks digests read from file or stdin
          --check[=file]        - checks digests read from file or stdin
          --bits=nn             - message length in number of bits (for SHA only)
          --b3bytes=nn          - message length in bytes (for blake3 only)
          -M hexstring          - message in hexadecimal
          --M=hexstring         - message in hexadecimal
          -h                    - print this text
          --help                - print this text
          --list                - print list of algorithms, one per line

          HMAC options:
          -K keystring          - HMAC key as ASCII string
          --K=keystring         - HMAC key as ASCII string
          --key=keystring       - HMAC key as ASCII string
          --hexkey=hexkeystring - HMAC key in hexadecimal
          --hmacverbose         - print HMAC, KMAC details

          KMAC options:
          -K keystring          - KMAC key as ASCII string
          --K=keystring         - KMAC key as ASCII string
          --key=keystring       - KMAC key as ASCII string
          --hexkey=hexkeystring - KMAC key in hexadecimal
          --hexkeyBitLen=nn     - hexkey length in bits
          --custom=customstring - KMAC128, 256 customization string
          --customBitLen=nn     - customization string length in bits

          Base64 options:
          --b64                 - produce digest in base64 format (if supported)
          --base64              - produce digest in base64 format (if supported)

         XOF options:
          --xoflength=longint   - length for extendable length output in bytes
          --xofBitLen=longint   - length for extendable length output in bits
          --xoflength=0         - default length, 512 bytes
          --xoflength=-1        - indefinite length
                                  length goes up to 9223372036854775807 (2**63-1) bytes
          --digestBitLen=longint - length of shortened digest, in bits

         BLAKE3 options:
          --b3key="whats the Elvish word for friend" - exactly 32 bytes for keyed hashing
          --b3bytes=nn          - length of input string, ASCII or hex
          --b3context=string    - ASCII context string for key derivation mode

        Algorithm   Hash Size  Block Size  Bitwise    HMAC test  Base64
                    (bits)     (bytes)     Operation  Vectors
        blake224     224         64        yes
        blake256     256         64        yes
        blake3       256         64        no         no support
        blake384     384        128        yes
        blake512     512        128        yes
        gost         256         32        no
        groestl224   224         64        yes
        groestl256   256         64        yes
        groestl384   384        128        yes
        groestl512   512        128        yes
        jh224        224         64        yes
        jh256        256         64        yes
        jh384        384         64        yes
        jh512        512         64        yes
        keccak224    224        144        yes
        keccak256    256        136        yes
        keccak384    384        104        yes
        keccak512    512         72        yes
        kmac128      256        168        no         no support
        kmac256      512        136        no         no support
        kmacxof128   256        168        no         no support
        kmacxof256   512        136        no         no support
        lash160      160         40        no
        lash256      256         64        no
        lash384      384         96        no
        lash512      512        128        no
        md2          128         16        no
        md4          128         64        no
        md5          128         64        no         yes
        md6-224      224        512        yes
        md6-256      256        512        yes
        md6-384      384        512        yes
        md6-512      512        512        yes
        rmd128       128         64        no         yes
        rmd160       160         64        no         yes
        rmd256       256         64        no
        rmd320       320         64        no
        sha1         160         64        yes        yes
        sha224       224         64        yes        yes
        sha256       256         64        yes        yes
        sha3-224     224        144        yes        yes
        sha3-256     256        136        yes        yes
        sha3-384     384        104        yes        yes
        sha3-512     512         72        yes        yes
        sha384       384        128        yes        yes
        sha512       512        128        yes        yes
        sha512-224   224        128        yes, no testvectors
        sha512-256   256        128        yes, no testvectors
        shake128    4096        168        yes          yes
        shake256    4096        136        yes          yes
        skein1024   1024        128        yes
        skein224     224         32        yes
        skein256     256         32        yes
        skein384     384         64        yes
        skein512     512         64        yes
        tiger2       192         64        no
        whirl        512         64        yes, no testvectors

        blake224  : BLAKE homepage http://www.131002.net/blake/
        blake256  : BLAKE homepage http://www.131002.net/blake/
        blake3    : https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3
        blake384  : BLAKE homepage http://www.131002.net/blake/
        blake512  : BLAKE homepage http://www.131002.net/blake/
        gost      : GOST R 34.11-94, the Russian equivalent of SHA.
        groestl224: GROESTL homepage http://www.groestl.info/
        groestl256: GROESTL homepage http://www.groestl.info/
        groestl384: GROESTL homepage http://www.groestl.info/
        groestl512: GROESTL homepage http://www.groestl.info/
        jh224     : JH homepage http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/wuhj/research/jh/
        jh256     : JH homepage http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/wuhj/research/jh/
        jh384     : JH homepage http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/wuhj/research/jh/
        jh512     : JH homepage http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/wuhj/research/jh/
        keccak224 : KECCAK homepage http://keccak.noekeon.org/
        keccak256 : KECCAK homepage http://keccak.noekeon.org/
        keccak384 : KECCAK homepage http://keccak.noekeon.org/
        keccak512 : KECCAK homepage http://keccak.noekeon.org/
        kmac128   : NIST SP 800-185, December 2016, https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-185
        kmac256   : NIST SP 800-185, December 2016, https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-185
        kmacxof128: NIST SP 800-185, December 2016, https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-185
        kmacxof256: NIST SP 800-185, December 2016, https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-185
        lash160   : http://csrc.nist.gov/pki/HashWorkshop/2006/Papers/SAARINEN_lash4-1_ORIG.pdf
        lash256   : http://csrc.nist.gov/pki/HashWorkshop/2006/Papers/SAARINEN_lash4-1_ORIG.pdf
        lash384   : http://csrc.nist.gov/pki/HashWorkshop/2006/Papers/SAARINEN_lash4-1_ORIG.pdf
        lash512   : http://csrc.nist.gov/pki/HashWorkshop/2006/Papers/SAARINEN_lash4-1_ORIG.pdf
        md2       : RFC1319, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1319.txt
        md4       : RFC1320, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1320.txt
        md5       : RFC1321, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1321.txt
        md6-224   : http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cis/md6/
        md6-256   : http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cis/md6/
        md6-384   : http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cis/md6/
        md6-512   : http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cis/md6/
        rmd128    : http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~bosselae/ripemd160.html
        rmd160    : http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~bosselae/ripemd160.html
        rmd256    : http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~bosselae/ripemd160.html
        rmd320    : http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~bosselae/ripemd160.html
        sha1      : FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        sha224    : FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        sha256    : FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        sha3-224  : FIPS PUB 202, August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202
        sha3-256  : FIPS PUB 202, August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202
        sha3-384  : FIPS PUB 202, August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202
        sha3-512  : FIPS PUB 202, August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202
        sha384    : FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        sha512    : FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        sha512-224: FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        sha512-256: FIPS PUB 180-4, March 2012, http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
        shake128  : FIPS PUB 202, August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202
        shake256  : FIPS PUB 202, August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202
        skein1024 : SKEIN homepage http://www.skein-hash.info/
        skein224  : SKEIN homepage http://www.skein-hash.info/
        skein256  : SKEIN homepage http://www.skein-hash.info/
        skein384  : SKEIN homepage http://www.skein-hash.info/
        skein512  : SKEIN homepage http://www.skein-hash.info/
        tiger2    : http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~biham/Reports/Tiger/
                    This code implements the Tiger 2 padding (like MD5)
        whirl     : http://www.larc.usp.br/~pbarreto/WhirlpoolPage.html